Promotion of livelihood through establishment of ecosystem of Mej River on Watershed Development Approach inHindoliBlock of Bundi district (Rajasthan)

Budget: 187.51 Lakhs
Period: 01-04-2021 to 31-03-2022


The project will emphasize developing the capacity of the village-level institution by establishing a governance structure that will enable it to function as an umbrella institution capable of taking all decisions for the sustainable development of the villages and livelihoods of its shareholders in the catchment area of the project through climate-smart village and water stewardship approach.

Considering major limitations in the project area which are explained above, the major thrust areas of work are: 
  • Climate Smart Agriculture portfolio promotion for the sustainable agricultural production system. 
  • Diversification to the tree-based farming system for livelihood strengthening and ecology stabilization.
  • Pasture Land Development to solve fodder and fuel scarcity problem.
  • Water stewardship for creating a source of irrigation.
  • Livelihood diversification through off-farm farming practices.

Supported by: ITC Limited Kolkata

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