Sustainable Livelihood Programme through watershed approach,PatanNeemka Thana Block of Sikar district, Rajasthan

Budget: 4.10 Lakhs
Period: 28-04-2021 to 30 -06-2022


  • Conservation and restoration of natural resources (land, water, forest, agriculture, etc) in the selected watershed area to enhance water availability for domestic use, drinking as well as irrigation in rain-fed farmlands. Expanding double crop cultivable area under protective irrigation using improved devices for high water use efficiency and precision irrigation methods.
    1. Improve water table, biomass, biodiversity, and soil moisture conditions through soil and water conservation work, drainage line treatment, restoration, and plantation on common lands, farm bunding, etc.
    2. To improve production and productivity of agriculture and animal husbandry through introducing improved farming practices, water-saving devices, crop water budgeting, and new information and technology.
    3. To reduce the risk of extreme climate events through the promotion of climate-resilient agriculture practices.
  • To Improve the sustainable livelihood of the rural community (to reduce forced migration, and drudgery of women), especially weaker section, women and Landless and marginal farmers through local employment, farm and non-farm based entrepreneurship and strengthen production and productivity of various production systems like water, agriculture, livestock, commons, etc.
    Strengthening community institutions for local governance and management of watershed programs.
  • Strengthen local governance and collective action for managing natural resources and creating space for marginal sections and women through the formation and strengthening of community institutions at habitation, village, and GP level such as VDCs, WDCs, and SHGs, etc.
    Building capacities, skills, and knowledge, technology, and market linkages to build skills, knowledge, and information for better scientific planning, execution, and monitoring of initiatives at a local level and better employment and income-generating opportunities.
    To strengthen backward and forward linkages for reducing input cost and increasing income.

Supported by: Janki Devi Bajaj Gram Vikas Sansthan (JBGVS) Pune.

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