Our Mission
Purus in mollis nunc sed. Lacus suspendisse faucibus.
Soil Moisture Conservation/Soil and Water Conservation
SMGVS has analyzed the water scarcity situation in the region and has built various SWC structures such as anicuts, mini percolation tanks, percolation tanks, recharge shafts, water absorption tanks, LSCD, dykes, etc., for human and livestock use. SMGVS’ holistic interventions caused arrest of declining water availability and improved situation making the communities and ecosystems resilient to fast changing water regime in semi-arid areas of Rajasthan. A total of 11,289 hectare area has been protected from erosion and water conservation practices have been started. A total of 506,000 cubic meters of water storage capacity has been built through SWC structures.
Pastureland Development and Biodiversity Conservation
A total of 225 hectares area has been developed as pastureland in most biomass scarce zones making easy availability of fodder and grazing fields for needy rural communities. A growing stock of about 66,400 plants of 27 species have been established along with various palatable grass species such as deenanath (Pennisetum pedicilatum), stylosanthes sp., cenchrus spp., etc. These pasturelands are fast becoming biodiversity oases in this parched landscape.
Rural Livelihoods & Enterprises
SMGVS has been establishing various Self Help Groups (SHGs) for ensuring livelihood alternatives such as lac bangle making, pattal dona making, grocery stores, dairy development, goat rearing, kitchen gardens, nursery development, etc. A total of 315 SHGs have been formed in about 250 villages. These SHGs are changing the economic landscape of the region.
SMGVS has been concerned about human as well as livestock health of the area and has been undertaking initiatives such as handwash training among villages, cattle immunisation, eye camps, supporting village health and sanitation committees, etc.
Women Empowerment
SMGVS believes in egalitarian societies and has been taking initiatives such as women led SHGs, social security through implementing Pradhan Mantri Bima Yojana, Atal Pension Yojana, celebrating International Women’s Day, Women Farmer Field School, drinking water facilities for women folk etc.
Capacity building
SMGVS has been successfully developing rural institutions such as Village Development Committees, Pasture Development Committees, Farmers Field Schools, Farmer Producer Companies, Water User Committees, Women Farmer Field School etc.
Sustainable Agriculture
SMGVS has been promoting Sustainable Agriculture (SA) in the region over vast landscapes and watersheds. SA is farming in sustainable ways based on understanding of ecosystem services, the study of relationship between organisms and their environment and is defined as "an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that will last over the long term",. It satisfies human food and fiber needs, enhance environmental quality and the natural resource based upon what the agricultural economy depends, makes the most efficient use of non-renewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, adopts natural biological cycles and controls, sustains the economic viability of farm operations, enhances the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole. We have successfully implemented project based interventions in more than 4500 hectare through Farmers Field Schools. Also, innovative eco-friendly solutions such as azolla farming, vermicompost, green manuring, NADEP, super compost, organic agriculture, etc., have been successfully tried and is being scaled up among the farmers. Wheat development Program on 1200 hectare is also being implemented. Seed multiplication program, seed production program, etc., have been started to reduce recurring burden on farmers.
Ecological Security and Climate Change
Ecosystem improvement interventions such as pastureland development, biodiverse landscape development, water conservation structures etc., have been improving the habitats of various micro fauna and mega fauna species in the region. It is witnessed that mammals, water birds, insects, amphibians, pollinators etc., are making returns to these areas and adding to ecological security while making vulnerable rural communities resilient to impleading climate change threats.
Renewable Energy/ Energy Efficiency
A total of 60 biogas units of 3- 6 cum have been installed in project area making available clean energy source in 22 villages supported by various agencies.
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Sarv Mangal Gramin Vikas Sansthan Official Address
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